Piano Level 2A
Module 3
Hands Together, Time Signatures, Rests, See Instructor’s Learning Tips

Lesson 1.4
The Ice Skater
Practice with Metronome and/or Orchestrated Accompaniments (Listen for the count in.)
The Ice Skater
The IceSkater
The Ice Skater
Lohnay Bishoff
Instructor’s Learning Tips
We are learning how to tell the difference between some simple time signatures. 2/4, 3/4 and 4/4 time signatures are the most common ones in music.
This exercise on rests make it easy to remember the different types of rests they are. Rests are just as important as playing notes. Rests are signs of silence.
The Ice Skater Song really takes all that we’ve learned thus far and puts all together. Also in this song you learn how to hold the left hand while the right hand plays. You do not start both hands at the same time. This trips students up and is a skill that we are now learning.
As always–remember to sit up straight on the front half of the bench with your feet flat on the floor. Your shoulders should be relaxed and not hunched up. Your nose should be in front of middle C. Contact your thumb with the keys on the side of the nail. This will keep your wrist in the correct position. Your wrist should be level with the floor.
Sorry I’m going to keep repeating this to remind you to sit up straight. This allows your body to be balanced. This will give you access to the power from your shoulders and upper body when you have good posture and are centered in front of the keys.
Also are you dropping into the keys and walking your fingers like in your scales? If this is too much to think about, work on one technique each practice or week. An example, would be, “today I’m going to work on sitting up straight,” “today I’m going to work on dropping into the bottom of the keys.”
You can play along with the orchestrated accompaniments for each song to play at the fast tempo. If you can’t play with the fast accompaniments, don’t worry, as long as you can keep a steady even tempo at a slower speed progress is taking place!
There are some metronome speeds to practice with, this is all optional. I like to practice with the metronome and then turn it off and with consistent practice you will start hearing the tick in your head.
If you can’t play at the speed of the slowest speed of the metronome without mistakes or breaks–you need more practice! These songs are set up to be mastered in a week or two. However if you don’t have time to consistently practice each week, they may take longer.
If you want to really master these skills, be able to keep up with the medium tempos.
Don’t wait too long to practice what you have already learned, so you can keep building upon your new skills.
I realize this is real life and that is the beauty of these videos. You can go back and review if you feel like you have forgotten some things.
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