Silent Night
Silent Night (Chords)
This tutorial uses only 3 chords from the G major scale– G, D and C– also known as the I, IV, V (1, 4, 5, ) Chords
Suggested Learning Prerequisite, Finish Module 4
Silent Night Chords and Music Notation
Silent Night (Melody Line and Left Hand Music Notation)
This tutorial shows how to play the right hand melody with a simple left hand accompaniment or optional chords.
Suggested Learning Prerequisite for note reading in the Right Hand Finish Module , Finish Module 13
Lohnay Bishoff
Instructor’s Learning Tips
There are 2 chording tutorials for Silent Night. Part 1 (chords) and Part 2 (melody line with chords coming soon) Part 1 reviews the I, IV, V (1, 4, 5, major) chords in the G major scale. After going over the basic chords, I teach you two different ways to use these chords.
Part 2 (coming soon) is where you will be reading notes off a Lead sheet. It is suggested but not necessary that you finish module 13 to be able to read most of these notes. If this is above your note reading level you can figure out a lot of the notes by how the notes move by skips, steps and repeats.