Nearer My God to Thee
Nearer My God to Thee
I highly recommend reading the Instructor’s Learning Tips for this tutorial.
Nearer My God to Thee, Practicing with Inversions
Lohnay Bishoff
Instructor’s Learning Tips
This tutorial again uses the I (1), IV(4), V(5) chords but this time in the Key of F major. Remember the F 5 finger scale is F G A Bb C.
The F chord is the I(1) chord as it is built on the first tone or key of the F scale. Please review how to build a major and minor chords if you do not understand this concept. You can find it under Chording Foundations–How to build major and minor chords. Remember WWHW is the major chord pattern. The IV (4) chord is Bb(flat) because it is built on the 4th key or tone of the F scale which is Bflat. The V(5) chord is C as it is built on the 4th tone or key of the F scale which is C. There is a Dm which is built on the 6th key of the full F scale. The I(1), IV(4), V(5) chords will be always be major chords in any major scale you build chords in. The II(2) III(3) and VI(6) chords will always be a minor chord in any major scale you build chords in. For example the II(2) chord in the F Scale would be G minor because it is a minor chord built on the 2nd tone of key of the scale which is G. Please review How to build major and minor chords under Chording Foundations if necessary. Remember the minor chord pattern is WHWW. (W = Whole Step, and H = Half Step). A whole step has one key between it and a half step doesn’t have any keys between it.
This tutorial has some inversions in it as an example to show what is possible when playing with chords. You can substitue any inversion chord for a root chord. If you do not understand inversions, there is a whole tutorial on it under Chording Foundations–How to play Inversions.